Unionjack Unionjack Unionjack Unionjack

Evaluation methods

DIN EN ISO 12180, 12181, 12780, 12781

Regression straight line (Gaussian straight line) Mean line laid through the measured profile such that the sum of the squares of all profile deviations is minimum.
(LSLI = Least Square Line)

Enveloping parallel lines Parallel, straight lines enclosing the measured profile and having the least separation.
(MZLI = Minimum Zone Line)

Regression circle (Gaussian circle)Circle laid through the measured polar profile such that the sum of the squares of all profile deviations is minimum.
(LSCI = Least Square Circle)

Circular zone with minimum radial separationConcentric circles enclosing the measuring polar profile and having the least radial separation.
(MZCi = Minimum Zone Circles)

Minimum circumscribed circle Smallest possible circle which can be fitted around the measured polar profile.
(MCCI = Minimum Circumscribed Circle)

Maximum inscribed circle Largest possible circle which can be fitted within the measured polar profile.
(MICI = Maximum Inscribed Circle)