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Geometrical Product Specification

EN ISO 14638

Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) implies different kinds of standards dealing with the geometric characteristics of products during product design, manufacture, inspection, quality assurance, etc.

In the GPS Matrix Model, the lines comprise chains of standards dealing with one and the same characteristic such as e.g. size, distance, form features, roughness, waviness, etc. The columns (i.e. the links of the chains) then are:

  1. Drawing specifications (EN ISO 1302)
  2. Theoretical definitions (EN ISO 4287, 16610, 12085 and 13565)
  3. Parameter definitions (EN ISO 4288, 16610, 12085, and 13565)
  4. Assessment of deviations (EN ISO 4288 and 12085)
  5. Measurement equipment requirements (EN ISO 3274 and 11562)
  6. Calibration requirements (EN ISO 5436 and 12179)

The most important standards in the field of surface texture are detailed in parentheses ().